


Why you should join this Quiz from ebookers for your next exciting travel destination!

essouira beach

Travel friends! Check out this cool new travel experience for your next individualized holiday! Participate at the Quiz in cooperation with ebookers  and win your own trip*!

Summer vibes are in the air! I am very happy to be part of that amazing contest organized by ebookers.

There are several ways to organize the ideal holiday. What I appreciate most is a specialist that gives me a choice and support in finding the perfect location and activities for my holiday.

What runs through your mind when you think of an individualized travel adventure? What does it include? How could this work?

Sometimes we have a rough idea in our mind on where to spend our holiday. We use google to find out more about the country or a lonely planet. We get lost in the million available options.

What if we could have some support in preparing our perfect holiday?

How about having support and inspiration from an experienced operator? A service that helps to organize an individualized holiday easy and fast at home on the computer.

A specialist that has contacts to local suppliers and gives us plenty of options for accommodations or maybe culture and adventure packages. I found this new way from ebookers very helpful and exciting, since it inspires me with many different ideas by using a very simple holiday online guide.

WIN your holiday: Are you interested in knowing more about the new individualized travel experience by ebookers?

Than you should absolutely participate at this online travel quiz. You can win your own composed travel. Try it now! Feel free to share your experience with me and your friends, drop me a line by contact form!

To the Quiz…

Follow the link below.

German Quiz:

French Quiz:éservez-unvoyage-uniqu/le-quiz

Good luck!

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*sponsored content in cooperation with ebookers
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