My personal highlight: 5 minutes walk from my home and I am at a cozy place where I dive into my writing and loose everything around me. It’s the music and the calm vibes that give me the creative boost here.
At ApoTheke Coffee shop, located at Zürichbergstrasse 17, Zürich, you get quality coffee from the local brand called Mirò, some of you may know them from their coffee truck based at ETH Polyterasse. Their blends originate from fair trade farmers in Honduras, El Salvador or Brasil that produce organic coffee only. I like the chocolate tasty roast.
Find home made cakes or a selection of brunch dishes served at Saturdays. The place is close to the university so sometime it’s quite busy for lunch. Get easy snacks as sandwiches, home made soups or salads.
Why I dive into my writing here

They have a good wine selection that pairs well with their burgers on the menu. Their playlist is inspiring. That is why I love to stay for a while and dive into my writing.
The place is owned by four friends: Nadine Ledermann, Silvana Spillmann, Simon Dejung und Till Spillmann. The name ApoTheke derives from the fact that a pharmacy (German word for Apotheke) was situated in the house at Zürichbergstrasse years ago before they restructured the location.
Thank you for using the Lovefoodish Coffee and Food guide Zurich!